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Segmental Ceramic Hollow Structures: Prefabricated posttensioned columns for ecological urban infrastructures.
Proceedings of the IASS 2024 Symposium, Redefining the Art of Structural Design.


Juan José Castellón
Tianle Chen


Aug 26, 2024



This paper presents the structural concepts and manufacturing methods implemented to produce segmental ceramic hollow columns for the design and construction of ecological urban infrastructures. The research objective is to harness the potential offered by ceramic materials and robotic manufacturing methods to produce hollow building components that combine structural and ecological functions endowed with elegant aesthetics.
The proposal takes reference from the work developed in the 1960’s by the Spanish architect Miguel Fisac in collaboration with the civil engineer Ricardo Barredo. Together they invented and patented a series of posttensioned hollow concrete beams inspired by the morphology of animal bones. The resulting sectional beams, so-called “bones” by Fisac, integrated structural requirements with functional aspects such as water collection, thermal isolation, or solar protection. Following this conceptual approach, the proposed structural system is based on segmental posttensioned columns composed of hollow ceramic components. These components are produced by the combination of conventional extrusion manufacturing processes and subtractive manufacturing methods harnessing the potential offered by robotic technologies to generate non-standard hollow structures that incorporate ecological functions. In this regard, the proposed structural application works both as a column and a water collector integrating aspects of climatic control and water storage.





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