Hypar Pavilion
The Hypar Pavilion was built in Nanjing (China) as a temporary installation during a two-week workshop organised by the Southeast University and ETH Zurich in June 2018.
The final pavilion was even tually omposed of 40 hypar modules, and it had overall dimensions of 10.44 m by 5.82 m in plan and a maximum height of 4.43 m. It was exhibited for one month at the campus of the Southeast University of Nanjing and then disassembled and moved to another exhibition location. The disassembly process took place in around two hours by four people. After releasing all the prestressing cables and the round plates at the nodes, the 40 hypar modules could be stacked on top of each other and transported with a small truck to the city of Dezhou (China). The Hypar Pavilion was then reassembled for a second exhibition. In this case, the pavilion was simply placed on top of a hard floor and stabilised using bracing cables since it was not possible to fix it to the ground rigidly. The possibility to disassemble and reassembled the pavilion proved the success of the proposed temporary and reusable fabrication concept. In fact, this solution is in line with contemporary approaches to circular construction and builds upon a design paradigm based on an optimal use of materials, energy and resources.
Conceptualization and Experimentation
Component Design
Southeast University
Nanjing, China
Principal Investigator
Ting Cao
Juan Jose Castellon (Co-PI)
Pierluigi D’Acunto (Co-PI)
Alessandro Tellini (co-PI)
Zhang Junjun
Students at Southeast University
ETH Zurich, Chair of Structural Design
Southeast University
Nanjing, China
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